Way-to-go for Solar PV


There is a lot of interest being shown by individuals towards solar PV usage at their private properties, but the interest to actual implementation conversion rate is tremendously low as the current solution is not attractive at its face value. The solar PV solutions need to be bundled up with certain other features which might make the overall solution more convenient and attractive.

For example, solar PV can be bundled up with home automation which might all of a sudden add significant value in the overall solution as there is lots of functionality and convenience in the overall solution where the facility is being independent in terms of energy requirement along with added energy savings because of the control of energy consumption at the equipment’s’ end via home automation. This will eventually enable the emergence of a concept called ‘ENERGY NEUTRALITY’.

ENERGY NEUTRALITY: Condition when a particular scenario becomes energy independent with the help of minimum resources.

For this concept to come true, technology bundle should be such that it takes care of all the three – energy generation, energy transmission and energy consumption in a collective manner to manage the energy scenario in the most optimum manner.

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